Monopoly Wiki
Najemnina 10€.
     Z 1 Hišo 50€.
     Z 2 Hišama  150€.
     S 3 Hišami  450€.
     S 4 Hišami  625€.

Vrednost Hipoteke 70€.
Hiše stanejo vsaka 100€
Hotel, 100€. plus 4 hiše

Če je igralec lastnik VSEH polj neke Barvne skupine, se najemnina podvoji na Nepozidanih Zemljiščih te skupine.

Bogenšperk (Pronoucation similar to 'Boaghenshperk' [1] |for English speakers|) is the sixth property in the Slovene Edition Monopoly game. It replaces St. Charles Place for the game.


Bogenšperk is the first pink (magenta) colored property. It first appeared in the 1993 version of Monopoly: Slovene Edition (old one) where it cost 14,000 SIT.


  • Alone: 10€
  • Monopoly: 20€
  • Rents with Houses:
    • 1 House: 50€
    • 2 Houses: 150€
    • 3 Houses: 450€
    • 4 Houses: 625€
    • 1 Hotel: 750€


  • Printed Price: 140€
  • Mortgage Value: 70€
  • Building Costs: 100€ each

On the board

Bogenšperk is the sixth property on the board (disregarding Utilities and Railroads) and it is located on the 11th slot in total. It is located between a corner slot 'Zapor/Samo na obisku' (transl. Jail/Just visiting) - before - and Javna razsvetljava/Electric Company (Transl. Public Illumination) - after. The last property before Bogenšperk is light blue property of Goriška Brda and first property followed by Bogenšperk is a pink property of Mokrice.

Real Location

This article is about Grad Bogenšperk ' [2] '(En. Bogenšperk castle), famous Renaissance castle located in Slovenia, which is just barely related to Monopoly board game.

As all properties in Slovene Edition this property is named by famous attraction or location in Slovenia. Grad Bogenšperk (En. Bogenšperk castle) or Bogenšperk for short is an important Slovene cultural monument reconstructed as a museum. More info [3].

